An Intelligent approach to environmental, social and governance performance
It is vital for every business to take accountability for their environmental, social and governance performance. Sustainable Advantage works with its clients to improve their understanding and operations, whilst showcasing their successes.
We help companies, in their use of natural resources, to improve their impact on the environment. This includes support with monitoring, analysing and presenting energy, waste, water, transport and carbon emissions data.
Increasingly, companies are recognising their impact on people. We highlight our clients’ current and future initiatives, demonstrating how they positively impact their employees, customers and communities across their business activity.
Every company requires good governance and transparency around their decision-making. We assist our clients by ensuring their policies, leadership and strategic direction are in line with their sustainability goals.
Our deliverables include:
- Working directly with our clients to understand their business’ culture, activity and requirements
- Benchmarking performance against our clients’ key competitors, their clients and prospective clients
- Creating an annual Sustainability / ESG Report that matches our clients’ needs, outlining key metrics, actions and future plans
- Providing our clients with ongoing assistance and resources to deliver proactive change
Why manual ESG reporting is challenging
- Data is often strewn across multiple businesses or kept in spreadsheets – metrics for carbon, energy, waste, water and social indicators are captured from different sources, making them difficult to access in a consolidated way for reporting and decision making.
- Data quality is inconsistent and unreliable – producing ESG reports requires confidence in the data to create value and make decisions. Consistency and comparability are essential elements of an effective data set.
- Time and labour intensive – the process to calculate energy, carbon emissions and waste data based on different factors, different reporting boundaries and calculation methods can be arduous.

Our Solution
We recognise that each company is at a different stage in their journey with a unique set of objectives. We take a hands-on approach to embed ESG into your existing systems and frameworks.
Quality data and acting on data
- On the back of our well-established direct relationships with energy, waste and water providers across the UK, we work collaboratively with our clients to gather verifiable ESG data to be consistent, uniform and timely.
- We are also in the unique position of delivering environmental services on the ground to be able to effect rapid change and deliver on ESG policies and strategies. This includes advising clients on the urgent steps they need to take to reduce carbon emissions and ultimately achieve carbon neutrality.
The social strategy
- The challenge exists in quantifying the ‘S’ in ESG – an area that requires more focus than it has received up to now. Socially minded investors are increasingly watching, listening and seeking more information about how companies are addressing social issues. Companies often either don’t do enough on this front or don’t know what to measure or how to measure it. Sustainable Advantage’s approach is to work with organisations to help drive their initiatives, capture their achievements and bring them to life in the annual Impact Report.
Regulation, compliance and strategy
- ESG Policy and Strategy creation
- Establish an ESG Steering Committee to implement the ESG strategy and benchmark progress against a set of quantifiable performance indicators